The Newseum in Washington, D.C., has a permanent exhibit featuring
headlines from around the world following the horror of 9/11/01,
including the antenna mast from the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

It is not enough to remember all those who perished in the 9/11 attack. We must also remember all who perished and who will perish as a result of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts as well. It should serve as a sobering reminder that whomever we elect to represent us in the United States, they must be qualified to lead us and lead us wisely in times of great crisis. Our elections should not be determined by campaigns waged by pre-packaged candidates and partisan PACs with millions upon millions of dollars to spend on reckless, fear mongering tv ads and hit piece direct mail campaigns. It's said that the 2012 Presidential election will top 1 billion dollars. Think of the good that would do to underfunded school districts, community food banks, homeless shelters instead of lining the pockets of political ad agencies, printers, and owners of tv stations.
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